Building BIG ideas with little hands! The preschoolers took on an exciting STEM challenge: creating structures using paper cups! They stacked, balanced, and experimented with different designs, learning about shapes, stability, and teamwork. This activity sparks creativity, problem-solving, and persistence as they explore basic engineering concepts.
2 months ago, Jeanne Sullivan
Students in 2Carey are demonstrating their knowledge of the importance of each nutritional addition to their plates while engaging in great cardio exercise with Mrs. Branagh!
2 months ago, Kathy Pina
my plate
cardio and nutrition
cardio and nutrition
Tisdale had an amazing All School Sing this morning learning about generosity! 1st grade teachers and students shared ways to be generous with our time, love, and kindness. We also honored some very important role models!
2 months ago, Wesley D. Tisdale School
teacher and students
teacher and students
teacher and students
teacher and students
teacher and students
What a way to end the day with the class who earned this month's Jam Jam recognition for being exemplar citizens!
2 months ago, Wesley D. Tisdale
During our shared reading cycle, students used dictionaries to look up vocabulary words form our nonfiction book about Valleys!
2 months ago, Jessica Smith
Using dictionaries
students using dictionaries
Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving filled with warmth, joy, and meaningful connections with family and friends. 🍂 🐏
2 months ago, Ramsey School District
Happy Thanksgiving Message
Happy Thanksgiving from Tisdale 3rd graders in Mrs. Clewley's class! We had a great Thanksgiving party where we created our pinecone turkeys 🦃🤎
2 months ago, Maureen Clewley
We loved the read aloud!
Our finished turkeys!
Adding lots of feathers!!
Our November student of the month visited 2nd grade classrooms to share a special book about citizenship... and what a great citizen she is!
3 months ago, Wesley D. Tisdale School
Third Grade Library Helpers started this week and they are thriving in their role! Our younger students benefit so much from peer leadership.
3 months ago, Krysta Cedola
library helper
library helper
library helper
library helper
library helper
library helper
Best way to kick off the Thanksgiving holiday is with a Preschool Show!
3 months ago, Wesley D. Tisdale
Third graders shared their personal narrative story maps with partners, providing them with an opportunity to improve their writing through collaborative discussion.
3 months ago, Erika Angley
two students sharing their writing.
two students sharing their writing.
Teamwork in action! Our 2nd grade students participated in a fun team-building activity while also exploring and tracking their emotions. This engaging experience highlighted the value of collaboration, self-awareness, and understanding one another. Together, we grow stronger!
3 months ago, Ayana Collado
Did you know there are 1,620 trillion raindrops in an average thunderstorm? We didn't until today! 3M learned so many facts from our guest reader about the world around us!
3 months ago, Jaclyn Molinari
Did you know there are 1,620 trillion raindrops in an average thunderstorm? 3M learned so many cool facts from our guest reader about the world around us!
Third graders are practicing place value, rounding, adding and subtracting three digit numbers by playing math games!
3 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
close to 100
adding and subtracting
Director of Elementary Education, Kathy Pina, shares how to support the whole child; academically and emotionally.
3 months ago, Wesley D. Tisdale
Parents learn about developmental social norms vs HIB and how to support students at home.
3 months ago, Wesley D. Tisdale
Congrats to our Student of the Month for November!
3 months ago, Wesley D. Tisdale
all school sing
Students use strategies that work best for them to jot character traits. Providing choice helps students be self-directed in their learning.
3 months ago, Wesley D. Tisdale
Tisdale students learned all about Citizenship at today's All School Sing! We know that even the smallest of acts make a BIG difference!
3 months ago, Wesley D. Tisdale School
all school sing
all school sing
all school sing
Great session last night on pathways to wellness for parents and students held by Gary and Sean Pritchard from Inhabit Mind and Body. Join us for our next session in January at Hubbard School!
3 months ago, Wesley D. Tisdale
i habit