What's happening: Ramsey School District hosted a professional learning day on Monday, April 1 covering topics on curriculum and AI in education.

The big picture: To help frame the work around AI, we had the pleasure of working with Greg Kulowiec, one of the best ed-tech consultants in the country.

What they’re saying: "I always enjoy working with the educators in Ramsey. They are a thoughtful and engaging group, who are consistently learning leaders in the world of academic technology.

Today, we explored artificial intelligence and the potential impact on their role as educators, and the impact on their students. We looked at foundational thinking around AI, understanding how it can provide both significant opportunities and create challenges and risks at the same time. My hope is that everyone left our day together, able to balance two conflicting perspectives. First, a healthy skepticism around AI and second, to be able to embrace a tempered optimism." - Greg Kulowiec

Why it matters: Greg presented on the limitations as well as the opportunities presented by AI, and the content of his presentation supports our approach to be measured and thoughtful as we consider next steps.